
Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.

Anfahrt / How to find us:


From Airport Munich:

S1 or S8 to "Marienplatz", switch to U6 direction "Klinikum Großhadern"


2) Leave at the station "Großhadern" (Penultimate stop, not "Klinikum Großhadern"), then take the exit against direction of the train, keep left. You are now on Würmtalstr. Then


3a) walk along Würmtalstraße until institutes can be seen on the left side (approx. 5 min) or

3b) by bus 160 or 268 from "Großhadern" in direction Planegg until "Waldhüterstr."


From Central Station Munich:

U1, U2, U7 or U8 to "Sendlinger Tor", then switch to U6 direction "Klinikum Großhadern" then follow step 2 as above.

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